If you are preparing to write General Dentist Exams for Dental Prometric Exam, then you have reached the right platform! All of our Dental QBanks contains Prometric exam sample questions for dentist for following exams.
Dental Prometric Exam QBank / Question bank contains 3200 MCQs carefully written for prometric exams past papers.
✔ Time and tutor mode | ✔ Discover flaws and improve test-taking skills |
✔ Evaluation of your individual test performance | ✔ Detailed performance charts to measure your progress |
✔ Used, Unused, incorrect only, or all question selections | ✔ Continuous updates to the questions and explanations |
✔ Each dental mcq covers a different topics from the subject areas tested | ✔ Time and tutor mode |
✔ Question marking and note taking facility during the practice sessions | ✔ Create your own tests by subject category or any combination of categories |
✔ Select your own number of questions for every practice / mock exam session | ✔ Content-rich Explanation / Rationales for every choice/option, helps you to think like real Dentist! |