
Lab Value


A charge nurse of a step-down unit in a hospital plans bed placement for five male clients transferring from a critical care unit. The clients will be transferred into the three open rooms on the unit. The beds are available in two 2-bed rooms and one private room.

Which room assignments should be made by the charge nurse?

Client Diagnosis/Medical Information
A Client with infected postoperative abdominal wound, cultured positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
B Client admitted with ketoacidosis, history of chronic hepatitis C
C Client has history of bloody sputum, night sweats; airborne precautions currently in place
D Client postoperative from vascular surgery, leg ulcers cultured positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
E 1 day postoperative small bowel resection; had postoperative hypotension issues

Client C has airborne precautions and requires a private room. Clients A and D have the same organism, may be roomed together, gether since both require only the standard precautions. Transmission of hepatitis C occurs mainly with blood and this is addressed with the standard precautions.

The other options list client placements that are not as sound in preventing infection transmission.
